Hai Abraham…
Hai juga Abraham...
Ban ko hue kong?
Toi med… What bout u?
Wo bu hao lah…. Gue kan elo…
Oiya lupa… Haha, ampura bli...
Nah sing engken…
Oke Bram, loe tidur aja dulu, gw mau nulis nih...
Oke Bram…. Kapan2 kita ngobrol lagi ya....
Yo guys...
Sorry, I was chatting with myself just now..
Sekarang saatnya gue lanjut nulis...
Entah kenapa gue pengen banget nulis kaya gini...
Padahal gue tau, kalo ni masalah pribadi gue...
Tapi tangan gue bergerak endiri tanpa gue ngeliat ke monitor...
Gue cuma ngeliat tangan gue mencet2 keyboard…
Sambil denger lagu band favorit gue, Linkin Park...
Di kamar gue yang dingin sampe2 kacanya berembun...
Mungkin gak panjang2, cuma pengen iseng aja soalnya...
Sekarang terpaksa liat monitor abis daritadi kalo salah cuma pake feeling aja ngebenerinnya…
The truth is...
I just need someone to talk to…
To share my probs, feelings, and joy of course…
Problems with her just keep coming everyday, like a machine gun…
Somehow I know she is right in a certain point, but I just dunno why I'm like this…
I know she is so precious to me…
What I dunno is, how to keep her…
Coz she's fragile…
Day by day living with fears...
Night by night ends with tears…
I used to share my probs with my friends here, and some of my friends in Korem…
Well, I used to…
Coz now my female friends here have their own business, and I don't wanna be some kind of parasite in their life…
I don't wanna interfere with my sorrow and grief to their joyful life..
That's why I never tell them anything more…
And my male friends, I just don't get the soul to share with them…
Not because they are bad, nor I don't trust them…
It's just…
Once I finished sharing my probs, that's it…
I can't find any helping advice…
Sorry guys…
And I already have a bad image in my friends in Korem…
I don't have the rights to show up in front of them anymore…
I am a jerk…
Yeah I Know!
I tried to chat with God…
But it was just a one-way communication…
I wanna be like them who can chat in two-way communication with Him…
In the end, I end up talking to myself…
Keep the pain until Wiswa sleeps…
Then I usually scream without any sound…
And squeeze my bolster so hard…
Sometimes I cry...
What a disgrace...
Well, just don't be surprised if u enter my room and find out I am singing silently along with the songs or silently laughing to myself…
I don't wanna be a psycho…
Please stop me from becoming one…
Sometimes I feel like I wanna go "home"…
But if I force myself to go "home", i won't be "home"…
Dumb thinking…
I'll just wait till I really can go "home"…
God, I beg your mercy…
Please help me!!!
Melisa, I know u are very disappointed at me…
U are upset, indeed…
U keep on waiting for me, yet I dunno how to keep U happy…
I have failed my duty as your boyfriend…
But I need you to know…
I love you….
Guys, makasi udah ngeluangin waktu sebentar baca postingan gak penting yang dimana seharusnya gue ngepost pengalaman2 hidup gue…
Tapi yang ada sekarang malah curhatan gak jelas kaya gene, yang ternyata diluar dugaan gue jadinya sepanjang ini....
Kalian gak usa nganggep penting deh curhatan gue…
Iseng aja kok...
Just forget it..
Hei Bram, dah bangun toh…
Iya nih, lumayan tidur bentar, hahahaa…
Mau ngobrol lagi gak??
OK deh Bram, ada masalah apa lagi??
Hmmm… Coba tebak deh Bram…
Apa ya… Pasti masih masalah yang itu kan…
Iya… Hahahaaa…
Tuesday, February 16, 2010 7:00:00 PM
dude, keep ur head held high..
stop blaming urself >.<
just don't let the struggles knock u down forever..
if she do really loves u, than she won't be happy to know that u feel this way
Thursday, February 18, 2010 1:20:00 AM
yg d atas sana ndanya nda denger
dia dah brp kali ngingetin lo sblmnya
tp apakah lo inget?
terkadang yg terbaik buat lo nda mesti yg lo maw
smua pasti ada maksud dan tujuannya
dan apapun yg terjadi..
It's pointing to the best direction
Thursday, February 18, 2010 10:10:00 AM
I'm dead...
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Kritik dan saran yang membangun sangat diharapkan...
Atau sekedar basa-basi dan numpang lewat juga boleh...
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Caranya tinggal isi aja logo smileynya...
Ntar otomatis berubah jadi emoticon kok...
Contoh ketik :f jadinya gambar orang keringetan..
Thx all...