I think from now on I should post my blog in English…
Btw, it's way too late to post this, but well..
it's better than nothing…
so, on March 28 there was a J-Fest that held by Animax..
Everybody was so excited, hell yeah, with Animax as the conductor, everybody thinks the J-Fest was in an international level…
So, at that day we went to Grand Indonesia at Bunderan HI..
There were me, Edho, Im, Marcell, Iksan, Ila, Made, Dewi Senpai, and surprisingly Adhy Moumou and Loki..
Anthony couldn't come because his Dad was going to visit him…
Poor you…
At the time we arrived, apparently they were holding a car free day on Bunderan HI..
Many people were there, but there were no cars at all but the busway…
At GI, the first thing we did was having our lunch…
As usual, the one and only, Hoka Hoka Bento is always our choice…
Because it's the cheapest one, just need 11k and you'll get this…
Meals were done, and the stomaches were filled…
We went to the Animax J-Fest then..
While we were there, we just realized that it wasn't an Animax J-Fest, but actually it was an Indovision Fair…
Animax is one of it, so we thought that it would be a J-Fest, but it wasn't..
It was just a Cosplay Contest..
Ooh well, we were there, so we did what we could to enjoy the fair…
Of course, taking pictures was a must…
I saw a very moe Mio there…
Unfortunately, she didn't like to smile much…
Then, me, Adhy, and Iksan were asked to play Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader…
The loser had to say "I'm not smarter than a 5th grader"…
Well, let's bring it on!
1st question, where does President SBY come from?
I don't freakin' know about it!
and so on and so on and so on…
Finally, Adhy got the 1st place, I got the 2nd place, and Iksan got the 3rd place, so he was the one that said the punishment statement…
Off we went to the next booth, the Star Sport booth…
I was asked to play tennis on Wii with a little boy…
It was totally a piece of cake, for sure…
After that, we were just hanging around there and took some shots on the cosplayers…
I dunno who this guy was, but he was kinda cool..
Kamen Rider Kuuga, it was so similar with the original, but the Otaku can surely tell the difference (I can't)…
This stone guy was just standing there for a freakin' long time..
How the hell that he could stand that long??
Hell no…
This is our yuri couple, Adel and her girlfriend, Marcell…
While these two battled, the stone guy was still standing there, it was so annoying…
Allen Walker, he was pretty similar actually, but the sword is his hand on Anime, how could he have both sword and hand??
This is our second couple, Indra and Stefanny..
Wolfmon and Pat Kai..
Take a look at Pat Kai's pic…
He was so freakin' same as the original..
WIth that "Mupeng" face…
Ow gosh, I bet he's the real one…
So, the show started, the host were Fitri Tropika and someone I usually see on TV, it was a laughing contest…
The one who laughed for the longest time wins…
Then, off we went again to take some pics…
This is me with Mio and Yui..
Yui was pretty damn cute..
But there were 3 Mios there…
The 1st one was on the pic above, this is the 2nd one, and the 3rd one was Cinta Laura who was the cosplay contest judge…
And so, this is the cosplay contest..
Marcell took my camera and took some shots on them..
But unfortunately the battery ran out on the middle…
And one more thing, Anthony's Dad couldn't come to visit him, so he was just so envy towards us..
So, that's all..
Sunday, May 30, 2010 6:03:00 PM
baam, english???? ajiiiippp..
km gondrong bram???
eh, aku juga lagi suka animax nih,hehhe
Sunday, May 30, 2010 8:07:00 PM
iya nih, pikir2 biar bisa dibaca ma bule2 juga..
gak gondrong kok, cuma panjangan dikit, sekarang udah dipotong..
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Contoh ketik :f jadinya gambar orang keringetan..
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